Pinkwashing and what makes The Vampire Shot Glass different

assorted period products in pink packaging with a cancelled sign across them

Article by Sara Kragness (she/her)

Take a stroll down any “feminine” care aisle and you’ll find a plethora of menstrual products. Some products are still traditionally coded in pink, detailed with flowers and neon accents. Others have pivoted towards packaging in hues of blue or deep purple, embellished in stars, mountains, and other icons of nature; seeming to try and find a market with the more socially aware. These changes, while appreciated even if only for the visual appeal, are ultimately performative if they are not backed up by true internal changes within every aspect of the product development process. Luckily for consumers, that’s now changing. 

As we as a society progress further towards a world that recognizes gender and sex as inherently separate identity factors, the former of which can exist even on a spectrum, we are allowing more people the dignity to meet their basic care needs while still being gender-inclusive. These trends have made their way through our homes and are now inevitably hitting the menstrual care aisle as well; in launching the first American-based menstrual care company that has been designed from the ground up to be 100% inclusive to ALL gendered identities.  

The Vampire Shot Glass was dreamed up and brought to life by founder and sex-educator Madeline Gregg who is now challenging how companies package and market menstrual cups. What makes VSG special is the fact the entire company is built upon the idea that gendering care products isn’t just unnecessary, it’s downright an offensive cliché, and there is a much better way to promote the use of menstrual cups - through using inclusion as the anchor. 

From the packaging, the marketing, and even the founder - let’s just say everything about this brand is a little queer - and I mean that in the highest regard. Madeline has been working hard to ensure that her entire venture will uplift and support marginalized communities. The heart of The Vampire Shot Glass is solidly rooted in inclusion, access, and equity. This is part of what makes the company unique in comparison to its competitors.  

However, while making these aesthetic changes are wonderful, the company is also making the lives of some Trans, Gender Non-Conforming, and Non-Binary individuals safer. By providing these cups that are 100% gender-free, VSG is helping more of the Trans community to be respected as their full selves during times of menstruation and still receive the sanitary care they deserve. This means that menstruating folks can use whichever public bathroom they identify with without fear that a pad or tampon wrapper could disclose that they are trans, increasing their risk of harm. This also decreases the likelihood of harm from Toxic Shock Syndrome due to leaving a tampon in for too long while trying to be stealthy. 

Having access to menstrual cups that aren’t just branded towards cis women in their traditional packaging is creating new avenues for access and inclusion for the Trans/GNC/NB community, and The Vampire Shot Glass is ensuring that anyone who bleeds can holistically care for themselves. From concept to customer, this company is out to bring menstrual care to all who require it- regardless of how they identify.


Eco-friendly period products are a privilege