Your period gets worse when it’s cold out, and 3 other Period Facts

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There’s a whole bunch of weird shit that happens when you’re on your period other than the obvious bleeding for 5-7 days!! There’s sometimes bizarre things that our bodies go through to help shed that uterine lining. Here's 4 weird facts that you might not know about your period-


1. You are more susceptible to pain while on your period. 

Kinda cruel right? Ever feel like your skin has creepy crawlies? Or you stubbed your toe while on your period and it hurt more than usual? Well that's because your pain receptors are more active right before you start and during your period. 

2. Your period gets worse when it’s cold out.

Colder temps can unfortunately make cramps worse. When it’s cold out, your blood vessels will compress, leaving a narrower pathway for blood flow. What does this mean? This means blood flow on your period can get wonky leading to increased pain. 

3. Your period affects your vocal cords.

Hormones can make your vocal cords sound different while menstruating. This is interesting for the average person but super interesting for someone who uses their voice for a living- for example opera singers; some opera houses in Ukraine provide paid menstruation leave for their singers because they experience a lack of power, range and control of vibrato for about 7 days during their cycle. 

4. Many people experience night sweats on their period.

Why is this? As progesterone levels increase, estrogen levels decrease. This drop can affect your hypothalamus, the part of your brain that controls internal temperature. So the slightest temperature change will tell your brain to drench your body completely- resulting in you waking up in a puddle.

What are your fave weird period facts!? Tell us in the comments!


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