How to measure your cervix (and why)

icon of a uterus and cervix with a ruler next to the cervix

Measuring your cervix is a really important step to finding the menstrual cup that’s going to be most comfortable for you (specifically if you are worried you have a low cervix and are wanting to try our mini)!

First things first- you are going to need some clean hands and you are going to need to know what to feel for. Your cervix is a slippery donut shaped “bit” at the top of your vaginal canal. It’s basically the only tough part. It’s the same firmness as the tip of your nose ($10 says you just touched the tip of your nose). If you need a visual- even though for this exercise you won't see your cervix, check out The Beautiful Cervix Project. You can see a lot of different examples of cervixes from all walks of life. 

Now back to measuring your cervix- you’ll want to measure it while on your period. Your cervix moves throughout your cycle and the whole point is that you’re measuring for a menstrual cup! So, get cozy with touching your cervix while on your period (it’s a vibe when you’re using a menstrual cup for sure). Sit on the toilet or prop a leg up on a chair/tub/etc (just don’t fall, you know your limits and what your body can do) and insert a clean finger into your vagina. You can have a ruler by your side to measure your finger once you pull it out for accuracy. 

If you can touch your cervix at your first knuckle (or 44mm or lower) you have a low cervix.

If you can touch your cervix at your second knuckle (or 45mm-55mm) you have an average cervix.

If you inserted your finger all the way to your last knuckle (or 55mm or higher) you have a high cervix.

If you have a low cervix our mini size would be the most comfortable fit for you regardless of if you have given vaginal birth or not!


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